Thursday 19 October 2017

Strategies Becoming a More Creative Person Thinker

You might think of creativity as something clever marketer or copywriter whip out when they need to come up with a compelling as, or a personal trait only certain people, such as successful serial entrepreneurs or brilliant improve actors, naturally possess.

Creativity is often thought of as a natural gift or talent , but the latest scientific research tells us that creativity is a skill that can be leaned , practise and develop.

Image result for More Creative Person

  •          Simply Begin.

Creativity is there all the time. You need to begin, and then inspiration will come to you. When you’re cranky, when all you can think about are all the things on your to do list that need to get done, when you feel that you’re just not “in the mood” to create, when your inner critic tries to dissuade you from even trying, do it anyway.

  • ·         Connect with Creative People.

When you’ve hit a wall with your own ideas, it may be time to tap into the creativity of others. Surrounding yourself with people with whom you can share and get feedback on your ideas and opinions is not only good for your creativity; it's good for your career. These different points of view can act as fresh perspective on a project you’ve been staring at for too long.

Not only can creative people give you feedback on your projects, their own drive will keep you motivated to do your best work. A healthy dose of competition could be just what the doctor ordered when you need to force yourself to really channel your inner creative spirit.

This rings especially true when these connection challenge your way of thinking. If you surround yourself with like-minded people, you could fall into the trap of confirmation bias where you never see the faults in your own work because everyone already agrees with you. Although it could be hard to take this critique, it’ll force you to think in ways you never thought of before.
  • ·         Take a Creative Course.

If you're the kind of person who prefers guided instruction, taking a creative course could be the right way to direct your creativity.
Creative courses could be anything from creative writing to photo and video to music, art, and design. Regardless which course you take, you'll be exposed to different ways of thinking and approaches to working that you can apply to your own work. Plus, it may help you uncover some of your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
It'll also surround you with other people who share the goal of developing their creative skills. You can learn from your peers and review each other’s work to get a fresh perspective on your own ideas. And if you’re someone who is too nervous to ask for help in the office, a classroom setting could give you the opportunity to open up to others by way of workshop-style critiques. By sharing your ideas with others, you’ll be forced to find ways to formulate your thoughts into words and visuals, while learning to handle critique from others.

in order to enhance your creativity , you can do to practice

  • ·         Brainstorm While You Exercise.

If you feel like you’re working your brain hard and still coming out empty-handed, try pushing yourself physically for thirty minutes or so. Research shows that exercise can be linked to more creative thinkingOne study that focused on how moderate exercise influences participants’ performance on different thinking tasks found that exercising regularly may train your cognitive thinking and creativity in a healthy way.

  • ·         Become an Expert.

The secret to exceptional success doesn't lie in natural ability, but in deliberate practise. In fact, research suggests that being world class at anything requires lots hours of practise. It's not just doing the same thing over and over again, however. It should involve pushing yourself to master tasks just slightly beyond your capabilities.

  • ·         Practice Openness and Aware.

one of the core personality dimension is openness , it reflects how much you're motivated to consider new ideas, concepts, and experience. the most creative people are typically very open people. if you are someone who resists new ideas and experience, that does not mean you can't be creative. it just mean that you need to develop a new set of habit to try new ideas on for size rather thank rejecting them just because they are new.

Creative people are always on the lookout for possible solutions. You can do this by becoming more aware and practising mindfulness, which involves intentionally noticing things and not pegging people you meet based on your expectations or the categories you have established in your minds. Instead, try to be open and curious and resist stereotyping people.

  • ·         Carry a Notebook and keep the pen

It’s good to keep a notebook by your bed, so you can write down those early morning thoughts as you wake from your slumber. And it’s even better to carry this notebook with you all the time. Keeping a pocket notebook nearby means you always have a place to write lists and remember important details, resulting in developing the habit of documenting ideas as soon as they arise, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
Creativity isn’t something that can be forced or contained. It’s a matter of capturing flashes of insight. As we catch them, they’re more likely to happen. Leonardo davinci famously wrote down ideas for his art and inventions in notebooks that he kept throughout his life.
You don’t even have to write down words in your notebook – you can draw in it. If you’re the type of person who scribbles during meetings of phone calls, you’ll be pleased to know that the act of doodling actually promotes focus and helps stimulate creativity. Scribbling lights up the networks of the mind, helping us find new solutions and look at things from a different angle.

  • ·         Generate lots of ideas.

Standard idea-generation techniques concentrate on combining or adapting existing ideas. This can certainly generate results. But here, our focus is on equipping you with tools that help you leap onto a totally different plane. These approaches push your mind to forge new connections, think differently and consider new perspectives.
A word of caution – while these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in group settings and brainstorming sessions as well.

  • Keep Asking New Question
Critical aspect of creativity is to remember that any idea you have is something that you pulled  out of your memory. that means when you have brilliant ideas, you retrieved a helpful piece of information from memory and used it.

How do you get information from memory? all you do is ask you memory a question, and it pulls out information related to that question. if i ask you to think about as ice cream. memory serves up experience related to the question yo ask it.

that means whenever want to think about a problem or situation differently, you have to ask your memory a different question. the most creative people don't settle on a single way to think about a problem.instead , they keep finding new information that might help to solve it. the more different question they ask , the more creative ideas they have.

as an easy exercise to practice asking question, think about a problem you are trying to solve right now. Now, ask yourself how a variety of your friends would approach that same problem. imagine a person from another country encountering your problem.would they take a different perspective? use the lenses of different people as a way of training yourself to describe a problem in different ways

allow each of these perspective to bring new information to mind that might help solve the problem you face.

"as you begin to "act" like a creative person, you'll find yourself actually becoming more and more creative. and likely, more and more successful."

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